Federal Chaplains C Police Enforcement, Inc. (FCCPE) Healthcare Chaplains provide support to individuals in hospitals, hospices, palliative care, and nursing homes.

Part of our work as Hospital Chaplains includes working as a liaison, maintaining contact with the community, supporting patients/residents’ families, acting as bereavement counselors, counselors, and comforters. Besides those above, the FCCPE Healthcare Chaplain Ministry also serves as a religious functionary, ambassador of God, one who encourages, and a partner.

A FCCPE Hospice Chaplain is especially trained to work with dying patients and their families. We provide spiritual, emotional and physical support and comfort. The FCCPE Hospice Chaplain gives pastoral support to terminally ill patients and their families. As Chaplains, we also provide care to patients who are incapacitated and need long-term medical care. Serving as a vital part of the overall Hospice team, we are trained to have a listening ear and to be a comforting and supporting presence in difficult times.